Tuesday, September 1, 2015


Summer has come and gone in a blink of an eye. We may not experience seasons here in South Florida, but we sure do know when it is summer! Winter, not so much. But summer with its oppressive heat and 100% humidity can be a bit overwhelming some days.  It is good to know that we are in the final throes  of it.

With it comes some expected changes. The lawn will not grow so fast. I actually got a compliance notice from the city about my lawn, because my lawn service had a broken down mower. All is fixed so it looks like they won't be dragging me off to jail because my grass is too high. Real grass, you know, like lawn and weeds......Jeeesh...you have to qualify everything now. 

Teachers like Sunny and Dawn are back in school dealing with their children, or in Sunnys' case full grown adult children. For Linda, for the first time in many years, she will not be joining them. That first day of school is her real first day of retirement.  Ahhhhh...someday...maybe....I will give it a try!

Dawn dreaming of all those kiddies.....

Linda searching for ways to fill her retirement.....

Sunny excited about the new school year..


The bigger boats are starting to show up around our marina once again. Some for seasonal outfitting and others to get ahead of the rush.

Before you know it, the holidays will be starting and there will be plenty to blog about at Sliders Place and Southern Scripts. Keep checking back. I try to put out a new page on the first day of the month. I may lose track occasionally. Don't yell at me. I'm getting older.


Condolences to Linda and Jana on the passing of Alex, their much loved friend and companion. Alex was very loving and took to me right away when I visited there.

Yana made a lot of new friends when Linda and Jana visited. We also found out she has an affinity for orange Crocs.
Yana overseeing her domain...

 Just chillaxin'
Puddin doing what he does best

There is no reason for the following picture except he was yelling at me for not having his pic here.

Ticked off Skray...

Technically it IS pronounced 'Broken'...
Drunk Closed Caption


Recent twister in Hutchinson Ks.

Fun dinner with friends & family

Christopher and Jana

Marty and Sunny after a satisfying dinner


A fine gaggle of Larkins


Jana and Slider


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