I have been remiss. I almost missed August entirely. It just passed by so fast. I have to admit I also have been spending too much time pissing people off on Facebook. Anyway, we had a wonderful, terrific visit from Linda and Jana last month, but everyone had their lives to get back to. Jana had to get back to school with those rugrats and Linda had to get back to retirin'.
Linda being a flower to audition for the synchronized swimming in the Olympics.
Jana doing her Carmen Miranda imitation
Mango cheesecake I made for Linda. She said she liked it. I don't think she would lie about that.
We are having our office remodeled and it is almost finished. We finally have windows. It always seemed odd that we worked at an idyllic location in Florida and had no windows.
Looking into my office before
Looking into my office now. The opening is a half wall and door leading into a new office that was not there before. I will take better pics. There is still a lot to do.
I wouldn't think there could be a story behind a mango but, this was the very last of the batch on my tree. The timing worked out great and I was able to furnish Linda with all the mangos she wanted while she was here. I took this pic because it was the very last one and it was two days before she was to leave. I went out the next morning to pic it and it was GONE. Could not believe it. Not just fallen off, but gone. The only thing that could have happened is it was taken by a raccoon.
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