I understand that some are very happy about this and others not so much. The fact remains that it is the case. We can deal with it as adults or whine like children. The choice is yours. I have questions and concerns for the next four years but I also have hopes that some of the promises will be kept.
We need to sit back and watch the show. We have the ability to chime in when necessary and voice our opinions. Don't talk about it just do it. We are the government. Everyone in power is there because we gave them the power. We gave them the power to work for us. As in U.S. Hold them to it. In two years we have the opportunity to get rid of anyone that does not pull their weight or tosses it around too much.
Contrary to popular belief, the president does not hold all the power. He still has to answer to the people. I still grasp on to the belief that the people will know what is right and what is not.
I went on to the page to finish it up. That was my goal. As I was putting together pictures and stories to post the news came on about the horrific attack at Ft. Lauderdale/Hollywood Int. Airport.
We see videos and read about this happening practically on a daily basis.
This was different. This was here. it was at a place that I drive within yards of twice a day every time I go to work. A place I have been as a customer and as a visitor dozens of times. I have enjoyed greeting family and friends arriving and shed tears as they left. There was always a touch of stress waiting the arrival of or waiting to hear of a safe and smooth landing when they arrive home.
Never once did it ever occur that what happened this week was even a remote possibility. All of my trust was in the billions of dollars and millions of man hours put into insuring that this could not happen in my town, or your town, or any town in this country.
Every time I walked around the corner from my office to go the fuel dock, I would see no less than three planes taking off or landing. I can see the airline name and try to guess the model of the plane. In the back of my mind wondering where those folks were off to. We are that close to the airport. Since 2001 my mind would wander to the possibility of something happening as I watched them. This scenario always ended with me smirking and thinking: No way. Not here. We are protected against that.
I had been on a self-imposed boycott of most of the news since the first of the year.
Looks like I am going to try that again.
See you in February
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