May is considered the month of renewal, starting over. Plants are growing, because the rain and sunshine are plentiful. This is a month of renewal also for Sliders Place. I am starting some minor renovations on the homestead. Some are necessary and some are just to pretty things up a little bit. I am in hopes that it will get me started with clearing things out.
May is also busy with Holidays, Birthdays and Anniversaries.
(I hope you don't mind. I swiped the pic from your facebook page)
I know I speak for everyone in South Florida, when I tell you that we are hoping for a visit from the Mareira family in the near future. There are a lot of us that would love to meet your beautiful family in person.

To the right is a pic of me in 1980. Probably at my thinnest. Getting ready for a gig at a club in Boston.
This is me earlier the same day. Cigarettes, Ice and Tab Soda. what else could you
Neva and Fuzzy
Dawn and Corey
Recently one of my bosses from California was in town. In nine years I have only met him twice. He always shows up on my day off. This year my boss brought him to the office and told him that I wanted to say hello. This is what he found.
Must have been ok. I still have a job.
This monster is docked across from my office. It will be there for 2 years. It is going to be an expedition ship and right now is completely stripped. No engines, nothing. It is 300 feet long and they just added a helicopter pad on the stern. I will keep posting updates as the project progresses on 'The Voyager'

Driving on A1A in Miami, twice a week, I am use to seeing cranes and monster trucks with all the construction going on.
This, however, is one of the tallest I have ever seen.
It was being used to replace an air conditioning unit on top of the building.
Steel Towing....Cuz that's what they do!
I made a friend down at Haulover Point Marina
Just drying out his wings. He could not have cared less.
We just bought a truck for the Fork Lift Repair Engineer they hired. Yeah....Well that should do the trick!
I use my closed captioning a lot and I captured this off the tv. I don't think throne means the same in the US as it does in Briton.
I was out to dinner with some friends and later when I was looking at some of the pictures I realized how much he reminded me of Celine Dion. And he is French Canadian.
I'm right, heh?
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